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It’s possible to configure unimport from pyproject.toml or setup.cfg files if you have.

Automatically pick up config options from setup.cfg if it is present in the project root else check and if it exists use pyproject.toml.

If you want you can disable this feature by passing --disable-auto-discovery-config or you can pass the path to the configuration file by passing --config path/to/pyproject.toml.

For example:


sources = ["path1", "path2"]
exclude = '|tests/'
include = 'test|test2|'
gitignore = true
remove = false
check = true
diff = true
include_star_import = true
ignore_init = true


sources = ["path1", "path2"]
exclude =|tests/
include = test|test2|
gitignore = true
remove = false
check = true
diff = true
include_star_import = true
ignore_init = true

Manage like CLI in configuration

include-star-import = true
ignore-init = true


include-star-import = true
ignore-init = true

Last update: July 7, 2023
Created: July 7, 2023