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Other useful features

Skip Import

Leave ‘# unimport: skip’ or ‘# noqa’ at the end of the line to skip imports for example:

import x # unimport:skip
from x import ( # noqa
  t, y,
  f, r

If version of your python is 3.8+ Unimport support multiple skip like below. It doesn’t matter which line you put the comment on.

from package import (
)  # unimport:skip


from package import (
    module, # unimport:skip

File Wide Skips

To skip a file by typing # unimport: skip_file anywhere in that file for example:

# unimport: skip_file

import x


import x

# unimport: skip_file

Exit code behavior

Exit code 1 if there is a syntax error Exit code 0 if unused import versa and auto removed for all other cases exit code 1 Exit code 0 if there is no unused import.

Last update: July 7, 2023
Created: July 7, 2023